Feeling Taxed by Summer Heat? The Florida Freedom Summer Sales Tax Holiday Offers Relief!


Feeling a bit overwhelmed by summer heat? Well, there isn’t much that our governor can do about that but he is offering you some summer relief that may help with your efforts to cope with the heat and enjoy your summer activities. Gov. DeSantis has signed the Florida Freedom Summer Sales Tax Holiday, which will offer sales tax savings on a wide variety of purchases throughout the month of July.

Prefer to stay indoors and avoid the heat? Sales tax is waived on the purchase of tickets or admissions to movies, museums, plays, ballets, musicals and various other cultural events. Want to feel like you are getting your exercise while staying indoors? Admissions to private and membership clubs providing physical fitness facilities are included. In many instances, annual passes or memberships are included, as are July purchases for admissions for use any time before the end of the year.

Rather brave the heat and get out a bit? Admissions to state parks (including annual passes) are covered, as are kayaks, canoes, paddleboards and surfboards; you can even finally get that electric scooter you’ve been eying (as your attorneys, we advise that you get a helmet, which is also covered), along with some sunglasses and sunscreen, and a bunch of other stuff you might want or need when you are in, on or near the water, in the park or in the woods. And, if you just want to stay closer to home and hang in the backyard, pool and water activity supplies are included, as well as charcoal and gas grills.

The list is long and, of course, there are some limitations, so check out this link with all the details about the Florida Freedom Summer Sales Tax Holiday and, most of all, be safe and have fun (and wear sunscreen)!

Joe Mawhinney
Joe Mawhinney | OF COUNSEL