The Fund Assembly: Why I Attend


I spent several days last week attending Florida’s premier continuing education conference for Florida real estate attorneys – The Fund Assembly. Leaving the office for a few days is never easy. It causes inconveniences for clients. It slows the processing of files. It robs my co-workers of the opportunity to be in my presence. I kid. So, why do I dedicate two work days (and one Saturday) each year to attending this event?

The answer is simple. It’s more than just a conference — it’s a gathering that fosters growth, innovation, and a deeper connection to the legal community. The result? I can better serve you, my friends and clients.

In the ever-evolving field of law, staying updated with the latest changes and developments is crucial. The Fund Assembly offers a wealth of educational sessions that cover a broad spectrum of topics, from recent case law updates to emerging trends in real estate and probate law. Interactive quizzes on recent case law decisions and complex title matters never fail to humble me.  Nonetheless, I return to the office with a renewed understanding of the law and practical tools.

The Fund Assembly also provides the opportunity to test drive the latest technology and security advances being used to protect client data and funds. This year a huge emphasis was placed on the continued challenge of wire fraud. Simply put, the fraudsters are getting smarter and bolder. I spent one morning in a workshop with other Florida attorneys discussing how firms are battling this war. It is amazing how many fraud attempts are being attempted each day. I picked up a few tricks we plan to incorporate into our closing processes. I could tell you about them, but then I’d also be tipping off the fraudsters.

Admittedly, The Fund Assembly isn’t just about lectures and presentations. It’s also an opportunity to network with other legal professionals. The event attracts attorneys, judges, and industry experts from across the state and beyond. These interactions are invaluable—they provide a platform for sharing experiences, discussing challenges, and exchanging ideas. I’ve forged lasting relationships and professional connections that have enriched my practice and expanded my network. In an increasingly digital and virtual world it is sometimes nice to meet face to face.

The Fund Assembly is more than just an annual event on my calendar — it’s an essential component of my professional journey. It offers unparalleled opportunities for learning, networking, and personal growth. I promise you my time away from the office makes me a better attorney. My apologies to anyone who received my out of office reply.


Will Link