Suzanne was born in Thibodaux, LA where the music is good and the food is even better. She moved to Melbourne, FL when she was five, where she spent the rest of her childhood. She graduated from Melbourne High School and continued her education at Brevard Community College and then on to the University of Central Florida where she obtained a bachelor’s degree in business.
After graduation, she moved back to Melbourne and worked in her family’s restaurant business as well as Publix where she met her husband, Darrin. Suzanne later went on to work for Progressive Insurance as a claims adjuster. Over the next few years, she and Darrin became proud parents to three beautiful children, Jared, Madison and Brandon.
In 2004, Darrin, still working for Publix, thought it was time to move to the Publix heartland and Lakeland became their new home. Suzanne, with the youngest being four months old, took the opportunity to became a stay-at-home mom and raised their children. She became an active member of the community volunteering at numerous schools for the PTA, PTO, and academic boosters. She sat on the board of the Lakeland Assemblies Cotillion Club and was an active member of Sunday school each weekend with her kids at First United Methodist Church, where their family still attends to this day.
In 2015 Suzanne joined Reed Mawhinney & Link as a receptionist and later went on to work as a paralegal for various practice areas of the firm. She currently works as our firm administrator and supports various practice areas.
In her free time, Suzanne loves the beach, spending time with her family and shopping, especially for shoes. She probably has enough pairs of shoes to wear a different pair every day of the year! Not quite that many! Growing up with parents from Louisiana of course she loves to cook, especially for family and friends. Suzanne and Darrin enjoy indoor cycling classes together and are now empty nesters and are looking forward to traveling and seeing all the beautiful sites the world has to offer.
Suzanne Middleton | FIRM ADMINISTRATOR