Having scaled the dome atop the US Capitol and having descended into the necropolis buried beneath the Vatican, Will considers travel one of life’s great joys. Together with his wife, Andrea, and daughter, Audrey, they’ve enjoyed seeing the world by way of boat, plane, train, helicopter, and perhaps most enjoyably, by foot. When at home, Will curates a constantly growing collection of vinyl records that spin regularly in the evenings and on the weekends, most commonly jazz and bossa nova. Once, Will and Andrea pushed their love of music well beyond their comfort zone by entering a competition where they danced to the Nitty Gritty by Shirley Ellis in front of more than 400 paying spectators. That evening they were bestowed the Peoples’ Choice Award. Rumors swirl that video evidence of this evening exists somewhere online. Will is a native Floridian and a faithful member of Resurrection Catholic Church.

Real Estate
Title Insurance
Business Transactions
Closing Services
Mergers & Acquisitions
University of Florida, Levin College of Law, Juris Doctor, cum laude, 2004
University of South Florida, Bachelor of Arts, Economics, magna cum laude, 2000
University of South Florida, Bachelor of Arts, Political Science, magna cum laude, 2000
Leadership Tampa Bay, Graduate, 2020
Leadership Polk, Class IX, Graduate, 2015-2016
Leadership Lakeland, Class XXXI, Graduate, 2013-2014
Supreme Court of the United States of America
United States District Court, Middle District of Florida
Attorneys’ Title Insurance Fund, Title Agent
Leadership Lakeland Alumni Association
Polk Area Real Estate Council
Sons of the American Revolution
- Leadership Lakeland, Class XLI, Chair-Elect, 2024-2025
LkldNow, Board of Directors, 2023-Present (Chairman, 2024)
Lakeland Volunteers in Medicine, Board of Directors, 2023-Present (Secretary, 2024)
Lakeland Chamber Foundation, Board of Directors, 2020-2022 (Chairman, 2022)
Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce, Board of Directors, 2015-2022 (Chairman, 2021)
Polk Area Real Estate Council, Board of Directors, 2017-2022 (Chairman, 2019)
Polk Museum of Art, Membership Taskforce, 2017-2019 (Chairman, 2017-2019)
EMERGE Lakeland, Steering Committee, 2011-2015 (Chairman, 2014)
Florida Children’s Museum, Board of Directors, 2008-2015 (Chairman, 2013-2014)
Independent Florida Alligator, Board of Directors, 2003-2004
EMERGE Lakeland, Honorary Lifetime Member, 2022
Polk Emerging Leaders Award, Recipient, 2014
- EMERGE Serves Presentation, Non-Profit Board Governance, annually since 2018
- Community Presentation, Estate Planning Considerations for Catholics, 2014
- Community Presentation, Estate Planning for Whippersnappers, 2012